TURL_AuthorizeWithCallbackScript |
Talks with a web service to get an authorization URL. With the returned URL the user can authorize the plug-in (in a web browser) to use this service.
TURL_AuthorizeWithCallbackScript( switches ; method ; requestTokenURL ;
authorizationURLbegin ;
accessTokenStepURL ; fileName ; scriptName )
Delete URL |
Sends request to delete an item at a specified place on the web server, using the DELETE method.
Delete URL [ Select ; Result ; Switches ; URL ]
Get URL |
Gets the raw data of the specified URL. This can be for example the HTML of a web page.
Get URL [ Select ; Result ; Switches ; URL ]
Post URL |
Sends data to the server, using the POST method, and returns the result as raw data.
Post URL [ Select ; Result ; Switches ; URL ; Post data ]
Put URL |
Sends data to the server or transfers a file to the server, using the PUT method.
Put URL [ Select ; Result ; Switches ; URL ; Put data ]
Reinitialize URL Plug-in |
Restarts the plug-in
Reinitialize URL Plug-in
Send Authorization PIN URL |
This will send the PIN (obtained while granting access) to the web service to complete the authorization.
Send Authorization PIN URL [ Select ; Result ; Switches ; Method ;
AccessTokenURL ; PIN ]
Send Authorized Request URL |
Sends a request (like posting a tweet), using the 2 credentials obtained during authorization.
Send Authorized Request URL [ Select; Result ; Switches ; method ;
requestURL; accessToken ; accessTokenSecret ;
theRequest ]
TURL_Delete |
Sends request to delete an item at a specified place on the web server, using the DELETE method.
TURL_Delete ( switches ; theURL )