TURL_Get |
Gets the raw data of the specified URL. This can be for example the HTML of a web page.
TURL_Get ( switches ; theURL )
TURL_Get |
Gets the raw data of the specified URL. This can be for example the HTML of a web page.
TURL_Get ( switches ; theURL )
TURL_GetAuthorizationURL |
Talks with a web service to get an authorization URL. With the returned URL the user can authorize the plug-in (in a web browser) to use this service.
TURL_GetAuthorizationURL ( switches ; method ; requestTokenURL ;
authorizationURLbegin )
TURL_GetLastHTTPStatusCode |
Returns the HTTP response status code from the last executed HTTP request.
TURL_GetLastProperties |
Gets the (image) properties of the last retrieved image by a TURL_Get or a TURL_Post action.
TURL_GetLastProperties ( switches )
Calculate a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC-SHA1) signature using a (secret) key.
TURL_HMACSHA1 ( switches ; key ; messageText )
TURL_IsSecure |
Indicates if the last request was secure.
TURL_IsSecure ( switches )
TURL_Post |
Sends data to the server, using the POST method, and returns the result as raw data.
TURL_Post ( switches ; theURL ; theData )
TURL_Put |
Sends data to the server or transfers a file to the server, using the PUT method.
TURL_Put( switches ; theURL ; theData )
TURL_Reinitialize |
Restarts the plug-in.
TURL_Reinitialize ( switches )
TURL_SendAuthorizationPIN |
This will send the PIN (obtained while granting access) to the web service to complete the authorization.
TURL_SendAuthorizationPIN ( switches ; method ; accessTokenURL ; PIN )