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Send Authorization PIN URL |
This will send the PIN (obtained while granting access) to the web service to complete the authorization.
Send Authorization PIN URL [ Select ; Result ; Switches ; Method ;
AccessTokenURL ; PIN ]
Select entire contents | replaces the entire contents of a field with the result. If not checked the result replaces the currently selected portion of the field |
Result | the raw data returned (or an error code) |
Switches | this determines the behavior of the plug-in |
Method | either POST or GET |
AccessTokenURL | URL to obtain the final access token (and access token secret) from the web service |
PIN | the PIN (obtained by the user while granting access) |
switches must be set to:
-OAuthProtocol | the plug-in is using the OAuth protocol |
you can also use this switch:
-ReturnDataAfterError | return the error code followed by the data |
Returned Result
Data type returned
If successful this script step returns several named parameters separated by ampersand. In this result are the two credentials access_token and access_token_secret
Originated in
Troi URL Plug-in 5.0
FileMaker Pro 16 to 19
This script step provides the second step and completes the authorization.
The plug-in currently only supports the OAuth 1.0A Authorization protocol.
The credentials access_token and access_token_secret need to be stored, to be able to perform requests in the future. Normally you can keep using these two credentials, until the user revokes them (on the web service site). Take care to keep the credentials secret, as they are tied to the userID on the web service.
Set Variable [ $PIN; "123456" ]
Set Variable [ $Twitter_Access_token_step_URL ; "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token" ]
#send the PIN to Twitter to complete the authorization:
Send Authorization PIN URL [ Select ; $Twitter_Result ; "-OAuthProtocol" ; "POST" ;
$Twitter_Access_token_step_URL ; $PIN ]
if succesfull $Twitter_Result will be like:
See the example on how to parse this into separate fields.
Related function
TURL_SendAuthorizationPIN |
Related topics
Troi URL Plug-in online help (overview)