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Troi Activator Plug-in Release notes 2001-2017

By June 25, 2014July 14th, 2024Additional info

In this post you find the older release notes for Troi Activator Plug-in for FileMaker Pro.

Troi Activator Plug-in 4.5 (for FileMaker 12 to 16) (September 4, 2017)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 16.
  • Rewrote and modernized the code in several places.
  • Added namespace handling and improved the internal registration of function calls to make the plug-in more robust.
  • (Mac OS) Added code signing to the plug-in.
  • (Mac OS) Improved export of symbols: now only the symbols that are required are exported by the plug-in.
  • Made various minor changes to the example files to better work with FileMaker Pro 16.
  • Updated the User Guide and the Reference.fmp12 file.

Extra features when running FileMaker Pro 16

  • The Activator Plug-in adds multiple script steps when running FileMaker Pro 16.
    You can select these script steps in the script steps pane in Script Workspace, or you can begin typing the script step name, then choose the script step from the list that appears.
    The script steps expand the possible actions you can perform with FileMaker Pro. The following 10 script steps are added:

NOTE Only steps that perform an action have been added as a script step. Functions that have no side effect (like for example Actr_GetIPAddress) are only available as an external function.

  • Added new scripts to the RemoteTriggers.fmp12, ScheduleTriggers.fmp12, ShutdownRestart.fmp12, Sleep.fmp12 and UploadData.fmp12 example files, to demonstrate how to use the new external script steps of FileMaker Pro 16. The examples check if FileMaker Pro 16 is running and will then select these new scripts.
  • Added support for online help for the functions and script steps of the plug-in. You can now easily get online help from the Troi website, by clicking the Help button (the small question mark button) next to the function description in the functions pane or the script step description in the script steps pane.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a possible memory leak when receiving messages send by the Actr_SendRemoteEvent function.
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug in the Actr_SendRemoteEvent function, which in some cases could cause a crash.
  • Fixed a bug in the Actr_StartListener function: when you receive a remote message the yourText text could contain an invisible ASCII null character at the end.
  • (Mac OS) Fixed a bug which could cause a crash when quiting FileMaker Pro.
  • Fixed a bug in the Actr_RunScript function, the plug-in now returns an error code if the script did not trigger.
    When the database name does not exist error code $$-4232 (kErrNoSuchDatabase) is returned. And when the script name does not exist error code $$-4233 (kErrNoSuchScript) is returned.

Troi Activator Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13, 14 and 15

Version 4.0 for FileMaker 12, 13, 14 and 15 (June 14, 2016)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Tested and improved compatibility with Windows 10 and OS X 10.11 (El Capitan).
  • You can now schedule up to 1500 events to trigger, up from 1000.
  • Added description and type-ahead information for all functions of the plug-in. This extra function description will be shown in FileMaker Pro 15 in the Specify Calculation dialog box when you type a function name and also as a text popup in the functions pane on the right.
    The type-ahead information is used by the auto complete functionality of FileMaker Pro 15. In the calculation pane of the Specify Calculation dialog box you can type a letter or two of the function name and instantly see a list of matching function names. For example when you type “sch”, the auto complete functionality will suggest the Actr_ScheduleEvent function. You can also type a function name in the functions pane on the right: for example if you type “HTTP” you will see all the functions with HTTP in the name, like Actr_StartHTTPServer.
  • Improved the multi-threading behavior of the plug-in when running in FileMaker Pro 15.
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to provide more help when an installation error occurs.
  • Updated the UploadData.fmp12 example file: it now correctly shows a Google Map in a webviewer.
  • Fixed a possible memory leak in the HTTP Server when receiving GPS location data.
  • Fixed a typo in the web page of the http server.
  • Fixed several bugs, rewrote and modernized the code in several places and made further improvements.
  • Updated the User Guide and the Overview.fmp12 file.

Troi Activator Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 12, 13 and 14

Version 3.6 for FileMaker 12, 13 and 14 (May 12th, 2015)

  • Tested and made compatible with FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Added support for 64-bit architecture with FileMaker Pro 14: On OS X the 32-bit and 64-bit version is a single universal plug-in and on Windows there are 2 plug-ins: Troi_Activator.fmx (for 32-bit) and Troi_Activator.fmx64 (for 64-bit).
  • Improved the example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12, to support the 64-bit version of FileMaker Pro 14.
  • Fixed a bug that could make FileMaker Pro 14 crash when showing a flash dialog.

Troi Activator Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 10, 11, 12 and 13

Version 3.5.4 for FileMaker 10, 11, 12 and 13 (November 18th, 2014)

  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in the Actr_ScheduleEvent function, with the handling of daylight savings time. In some cases this could result in triggering 1 hour too early or getting error code $$-4226 (cannot schedule an event in the past) as result.
  • Improved the code in a few places.

Version 3.5.3 for FileMaker 10, 11, 12 and 13 (July 21st, 2014)

  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in the Actr_ScheduleEvent function, with the handling of daylight savings time. This could result in triggering of scripts one hour too late.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug in the Actr_Version function, where entering the registration data could make FileMaker crash.
  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug with registration on FileMaker Server 13: the plug-in now looks in the correct folder for the Troi Payment Certificate.
  • Improved the code and the registration text shown in the log when running FileMaker Server.
  • Improved some code due to analysis.

Version 3.5.2 for FileMaker 10, 11, 12 and 13 (January 13th, 2014)

  • Made compatible and tested with FileMaker Pro 13.
  • (Windows) Added support for 64-bit architecture: on Windows there are now 2 plug-ins: Troi_Activator.fmx (for 32-bit) and Troi_Activator.fmx64 (for 64-bit).
    NOTE Only Filemaker Server and FileMaker WebDirect are 64-bit processes and require the Troi_Activator.fmx64 version to be installed. On OS X the 32-bit and 64-bit version is a single universal plug-in.
  • Improved the example file Remote: it now has far better support for running under FileMaker Server, with a built in log table, where FileMaker Server can log the execution of trigger scripts.
  • (Mac OS X) fixed a problem with the Upload Server: the webpage request with URL “/” now properly redirects to “index.html”.
  • Improved the Actr_SendRemoteEvent functionality: the usertext parameter is no longer truncated when a pipe character is present; for this last parameter the pipe character is no longer treated as a separator.
  • Improved the EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12 example file, adding support for installing plug-ins on FileMaker Server and for installing 64-bit Windows plug-ins, with extension fmx64.
  • Improved the code in several places.

Version 3.5.1 for FileMaker 10, 11 and 12 (October 24th, 2013)

  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a bug that would prevent the plug-in from loading under OS X 10.9 (Mavericks).
  • This version no longer supports the switch “-DefaultInterface” in the function Actr_GetIPAddress(). It will result in the error $$-4243 (kErrNotImplemented).
  • Corrected incorrect text in preferences to :”This plug-in (for FileMaker 10, 11 and 12)…”.

Version 3.5 for FileMaker 10, 11 and 12 (March 21, 2013)

New functionality

  • Added two new functions: Actr_Shutdown() and Actr_Restart(), which can shutdown and restart the computer.
  • The Actr_Sleep function now works on Mac and Windows. Also added a new switch “-sleepnow” to put the computer to sleep directly.
  • (Mac OS X only) Extended the Upload Server functionality to be able to handle only text. You can post your text to the url “/posttext.html”. The text needs to be formatted like this:

    your UTF8 formatted text

  • (Mac OS X) Actr_GetIPAddress() now can return the IPv6 address when you specify the switch “-GetIPv6”. The Actr_GetIPAddress() function also works with a 64-bit architecture.NOTE: the switch “-DefaultInterface” is not supported for 64-bit and will result in the error $$-4243 (kErrNotImplemented).

Improved compatibility

  • Added compatibility with Windows 8.
  • (Mac OS X) Completely rewrote the plug-in for 64 bit. The plug-in now runs as a 64-bit plug-in under Custom web publishing under FileMaker Pro 12.
    NOTE: The Mac OS X plug-in is compiled for intel 32 bit and intel 64 bit. It no longer contains PowerPC code.

Other improvements and fixes

  • (Mac OS X) Rewrote the plug-in to defer the automatic loading of Cocoa Classes. Now any classes are in a separate bundle which is not loaded until later in the initialization process. This prevents a crashing bug, which could occur when the Troi Activator Plug-in was installed in 2 separate places.
  • (Mac OS X) Compiled for Mac OS X 10.5 and higher. This means that the plug-in no longer loads with earlier versions like Mac OS X 10.4.
  • Fixed a problem where the plug-in could crash when the Image Upload Server functionality received unexpected formatted data without an image.
  • Fixed a problem where the plug-in would not correctly load when running as a server-side plug-in or as a web-side plug-in under FileMaker Server 12
  • Improved the example file GetIPAddrs.fp7, so that it now populates the correct field on windows.
  • Improved the layouts of the example files for IWP.
  • Updated the User Guide, several example files and Overview.fp7 to reflect the new functionality.

Version 3.1 for FileMaker 10, 11 and 12 (May 16th, 2012)

  • Made compatible and tested with FileMaker Pro 12.
  • Made small change to the bundle (on Mac OS X) and FileVersion resource (on Windows) so it now reflects the correct version number.
  • Added new switch “-GetPluginInstallPath” to the Actr_Version function: This switch will return the path where a plug-in is installed, for example “/Mac HD/Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/Troi_Activator.fmplugin”.
  • Added new example file EasyInstallTroiPlugins.fmp12 (in the FileMaker Pro 12 formatted download only), which contains the plug-ins and can install the plug-in from within FileMaker Pro 12.
  • Corrected the path of logs files in the document filemaker-server-side-plug-ins.htm.

Version 3.0 (for FileMaker Pro 9, 10 and 11) (November 25th, 2010)

  • Made compatible with FileMaker Pro 10 and FileMaker Pro 11.
  • Added compatibility with Windows 7.
  • (Mac OS X only) Added Image Upload Server functionality. For this we added the functions Actr_StartHTTPServer and Actr_StopHTTPServer. The Upload Server works with QuickTrans for iOS.
  • (Mac OS X only) Added new switches to the Actr_GetEventInfo function for the Upload Server functionality: you can now get the image with the switch -GetImage and get the (GPS) location with the switch -GetLocationData.
  • Added new switch to Actr_Version: -UnregisterPlugin. This will remove the registration data. The plug-in will be in an unregistered state after this. See the “Temporary Register Activator Plug-in” script in the file RegiFunc.fp7 for an example use.
  • Troi Activator Plug-in is now compatible to run under FileMaker Server. The plug-in now creates log files when running under FileMaker Server to make troubleshooting installing easier and provides feedback regarding errors and registration status.
    Note that you need a special Server/Web license to use this plug-in on FileMaker Server. See our web site for details.
  • Added the plug-in’s version number to the description in FileMaker’s preference pane.
  • Updated the User Guide and Overview.fp7.

Version 2.7 (for FileMaker 7, 8.x and 9) (October 9th, 2008)

  • Added new switch “-GetAllEventsList” to the Actr_GetEventInfo function. This will return a tab separated list of all the events that the plug-in knows about, including future and triggered events.
  • Added new switch “-GetAllEventIDs” to the Actr_GetEventInfo function. This will return a list of all the eventIDs that the plug-in knows about, including future and triggered events.
  • Added new Actr_VersionAutoUpdate function. The Actr_VersionAutoUpdate function is part of an emerging standard for FileMaker plug-ins of third party vendors of plug-ins. The version number is returned in the format aabbccdd where every letter represents a digit of the level, so versions can be easily compared.
  • Improved the display and handling of registration codes.

Version 2.6 (for FileMaker 7, 8.x and 9) (June 30th, 2007)

  • Made compatible with FileMaker Pro 9.
  • Added compatibility with Windows Vista.
  • Added new and easy Actr_RunScript function, which can directly trigger a script from a calculation. It can also pass a script parameter.
  • Added new example file Tooltips.fp7. This example file shows how to trigger a script from a tooltip calculation.
  • Added new switch -GetRegistrationState to the Actr_Version function: This switch allows you to check if the plug-in is currently registered.

Version 2.5.1 (for FileMaker 7, 8 and 8.5) (August 1st, 2006)

  • (Mac OS X) Fixed a problem where the plug-in would not work after using the Auto Update feature of FileMaker Server.
  • Updated the User Guide for version 2.5. We also improved the links in the table of contents, so the links now also work with the Preview application of Mac OS X.
  • Fixed some small typos.

Version 2.5 (for FileMaker 7, 8 and 8.5) (July 10th, 2006)

  • Made compatible with FileMaker Pro 8.5.
  • (Mac OS X) Converted to Universal plug-in which runs natively on PowerPC and Intel Macs.
  • Cleaned up code in several places.
  • Prepared registration handling for 2.5 release.
  • Improved GetIPAddrs.fp7 example file: it no longer hangs in a loop on Windows.
  • Fixed some typos.
  • Added “-AnyTriggered” switch for ACTR_GetEventInfo.
  • Improved Remote.fp7. Implemented draft for broadcast on subnet.

Version 2.0.1 (for FileMaker 7 and 8) (January 16th, 2006)

  • Fixed a bug when scheduling an event with empty “yourID and “usertext” parameters.
  • The (unregistered) plug-in now also schedules an event after the initial flash dialog is shown.

Version 2.0b1 BETA(for FileMaker 7 and 8) (December 19th, 2005)

  • Converted to new Function API of FileMaker Pro 7.

NOTE Most functions now fully support Unicode, however there are some exceptions. Please read the FileMaker Pro 8 conversion note in the download for more information on this.

Troi Activator Plug-in versions for FileMaker Pro 6

1.5.1 (16-January-2006)

  • Improved readme files and examples to reflect the Activator 2.0 release.

1.5 (19-December-2005)

  • Fixed a bug at startup: reading stored events from disk now works more reliable.
  • When enabling with a wrong password the plug-in now returns the error code: kErrPwdWrong ($$-4219) instead of kErrCanNotEnable ($$-4218). (8-February-2005)

  • Fixed a bug with a silent event. When a silent event is received, it no longer brings the application to the foreground.
  • (Mac OS) Improved recovering from an disconnected (Ethernet) connection. If an Ethernet cable is removed and later put back, the plug-in now recovers and can receive events again. (14-January-2005)

  • Improved the readme. (30-July-2004)

  • FileMaker Pro 7 and runtimes from FileMaker Developer 7 now also get a different preference file for storing events on disk. They are called “Activator Events FP7” and “Activator Events Runtime7”. This allows you to run FileMaker Pro 6 Client and a FileMaker Pro 7 Client on the same computer with a separate set of Events.

1.4.1 (1-July-2004)

  • (Mac) Improved correct display of dialog messages, like when the plug-in has stopped working. Moved resources to a range not affected by the FileMaker application.
  • (Mac) Improved triggering on Mac OS X 10.3.3
  • (Win) Fixed a bug that could crash FileMaker 7 when disabling the plug-in in the preferences.
  • (Win) Improved rescheduling when a scriptname to be triggered does not exists.

1.4 (23-March-2004)

  • Tested with FileMaker Pro 7. The plug-in is compatible with FileMaker Pro 7, it might be necessary to change the way parameters are passed to the plug-in’s function.IMPORTANT Please read the FileMaker Pro 7 conversion note for more information on this. See the file “activatorFMP7conversion.html” in the download.
  • Updated the example files for better conversion to FileMaker Pro 7.
  • Added new Actr-Control function, which can temporary disable the triggering of scripts.
  • Added a possibility to do background processing, for example with a FileMaker Runtime application. For this purpose we added a switch “-DontGoToForeground” to the “Actr-SendRemoteEvent” function. See the new Background Processing folder in the download.
  • Added a possibility to do send a remote event without a script being triggered. This allows the sending of information, where the receiver retrieves it when it wants to. This can be used in background processing, for example with a FileMaker Runtime application. See the new switch “-SilentEvent” of the “Actr-SendRemoteEvent” function. See also the new Background Processing folder for an example.
  • Added switch -FirstSilentEvent to the Actr-GetEventInfo function, which retrieves the information of the first silent event.
  • Added new switch -GetActivatorEventID for the Actr-GetEventInfo function. With this you can get the internal EventID of the last triggered Event.
  • Runtimes now get a different preference file for storing events on disk. Its called “Activator Events Runtime5”. This allows to run FileMaker Pro Client and a Runtime on the same computer with a separate set of Events.
  • Improved the Validation.fp5 example, included description on where the trigger calculation is implemented. Changed the Rec ID field to be a auto enter serial number.
  • (Mac) Registration now also works if the registration file has a “.txt” extension.
  • (Windows) Improved the speed of the new way to trigger, by about 60%.
  • (Windows) Implemented a quicker way to trigger a script.
  • Fixed a bug in finding the next event to be triggered, which could crash the plug-in.
  • (Windows) Fixed a bug in the reading of events preferences, after the restart of FileMaker.
  • (Mac+Windows) Fixed a bug: the same eventID would be reused after restarting FileMaker Pro, even if the data was still there for an older event with the same ID. This could result in returning wrong data from a GetEventInfo call.

1.3.2 (15-July-2002)

  • Tested with FileMaker Pro 6. We found no problems using FileMaker Pro 6.
  • (Mac) GetIPAddress can now get all the IP addresses in case of a multi-homing computer.
  • (Mac+Windows) Improved rescheduling.
  • (Mac+Windows) Fixed a bug with the DeleteEvent function when deleting a specific Event.

1.3.0×2 special (30-January-2002)

  • Found a bug on older Macintosh machines that don’t have a PowerPC native power manager (like an 6100 running Mac OS 8.1). We fixed this bug in a special version of the Activator plug-in, which plug-in does NOT have the sleep function. You can download this special version from our website.

1.3.1 (18-July-2001)

  • Included the correct Windows version of the plug-in. Instead of the older development version 1.2×2 of May 15th now version 1.3 is really included. Note that this plug-in the Actr-Version function still returns “Activator 1.3”.

1.3 (17-July-2001)

  • Tested with FileMaker 5.5 and ported to Mac OS X. The Mac version of the plug-in is now a so called ‘Super Fat’ plug-in that will run on Mac OS 8, 9 and Mac OS X.
  • ScheduleEvent now can have an empty yourID and/or userText and does no longer give a parameter error.
  • The unregistered plug-in now stops working after 90 minutes AFTER the first call to the plug-in. This means that if you don’t use the plug-in no dialogs are shown. This is useful for the developer license.
  • Added support for runtimes created with FileMaker Developer 5 for Windows.
  • Added support for FileMaker Pro 4.0 for Windows and FileMaker Pro 4.1 for Windows.
  • Added support for runtimes created with FileMaker Developer 4.0 for Windows.

1.2 (12-March-2001)

  • Removed the limitation that the script to be triggered had to be in the same file as the file that is used to start listening. It is now also possible on Windows to trigger any script in any file that is open in FileMaker.
  • Added new examples: Portal validation, Everyday Triggering, MultiRemote.
  • (Mac) fixed a memory leak.
  • Improved the user guide.
  • The plug-in now stops working after 90 minutes.

1.1b1 (18-Jan-2001)

  • First public beta release.
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