FileMaker Pro 10 added a new script trigger feature. Previously you could only trigger scripts with the help of Troi Activator Plug-in. Here you’ll find how the native script triggering functionality of FileMaker 10 (and later) compares to the features of Troi Activator Plug-in 2.7 and later.
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Today we released an updated version of Troi File Plug-in, our plug-in for manipulating external files and folders directly from FileMaker Pro. This is a maintenance update, which has a few bugfixes and improvements in the Search, GetDate and Metadata functions. Upgrading to version 8.0.1 is free for all users of version 8.0.
More info here:
Today we released Troi File Plug-in 8.0, which adds support for 64-bit architecture with FileMaker Pro 14. We rewrote the plug-in so the TrFile_SelectFileDialog, TrFile_SelectFolderDialog and TrFile_SaveFileDialog functions are now available for you to use too.
More info here:
Receiving the data
Assume you have an external serial device connected to a (virtual) serial port on your computer. You can use a serial-USB adapter to connect to a USB port on your computer, which will then act as a virtual serial port.
To receive data from this device, first open the (virtual) serial port on your computer using the Serial_Open function. Add this script step to a ScriptMaker script:
Set Variable[ $ErrorCode; Serial_Open( "-Unused"; "COM1"; ) ]
This will open the COM1 port.
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Here you’ll find some information regarding compatibility of Troi Plug-ins with FileMaker running in 64-bit mode.
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Selecting the file
Use the TrFile_SelectFileDialog function to open up a dialog which lets the user select a file. By default all the files can be selected. If you want the user to be able to select only files with a certain extension use the TrFile_SetDefaultType function first.
To let the user select any file add these script steps to a ScriptMaker script:
Set Variable [$DontCare; TrFile_SetDefaultType( "-Unused"; "")]
Set Variable [$FilePath; TrFile_SelectFileDialog( "-Unused" ; "Please select a file.") ]
This will return the path to the file for example:
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Rob Salusbury wrote to us that he is using our Troi URL plug-in to make FileMaker Pro into an incredibly powerful web client, in particular for communicating with SQL databases.
He thinks we are sitting on a real game changer that potential customers might not be aware of. Combined with Troi File and Troi Encryptor it delivers the ability to create very fast (VERY fast), very secure SQL applications that provide a ton of extended capabilities over any browser-only based solutions.
You can find the quote on our comments page.
The link below points to a page on his site that explains a little more about the concept.
We have to admit we don’t completely understand how this works, so you’ll have to quiz him on the details. We are amazed what our users can accomplish with the help of our plug-ins.
Many more functions
This is just one of the functionalities added by the Troi URL Plug-in. Another possibility is for example to send tweets to Twitter.

On the Troi URL Plug-in page you can download a fully functional demo with all the functions explained:
It is a great and easy way to enhance your database for you or your customers.
Below we show how to display an input dialog with a popup, which displays the values of a second value list, while returning the chosen value from the first list.
This (simplified) example uses fixed text to build the dialog, normally you would fill the dialog with data from your database. In ScriptMaker you need to add script steps to a script, but you can of course copy the script from the example files in the download of Troi Dialog Plug-in.
Implementing the InputDialog
First set the values for the popup. For this popup we fill the optional last parameter, which holds a second value list (with item names).
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We just released Troi Dialog Plug-in 6.0, our plug-in for displaying flexible, dynamic dialogs in FileMaker Pro 13. This release adds several new features, such as the possibility to show items from a second value list in a pop-up while returning the value from the first, the possibility to choose multiple items from a list dialog and the use of several keyboard shortcuts in the edit fields of the InputDialog and BigInputDialog.
Download a demo here:
You can get this list easily into FileMaker Pro with the TrFile_ListFolder( ) function. In ScriptMaker add this script step to a script:
Set Field [ result, TrFile_ListFolder( “-Files -Folders” ; “Mac HD:”) ]
This will return a text list of all files and folders on the hard disk “Mac HD”. The two switches -Files and -Folders indicate you want both types returned. This might return for example this:
Desktop Folder
Program files
Financial report.xls
and so on…
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