TURL_Reinitialize |
Restarts the plug-in.
TURL_Reinitialize ( switches )
Online help for Troi Plug-ins for FileMaker Pro 16.
TURL_Reinitialize |
Restarts the plug-in.
TURL_Reinitialize ( switches )
TURL_SendAuthorizationPIN |
This will send the PIN (obtained while granting access) to the web service to complete the authorization.
TURL_SendAuthorizationPIN ( switches ; method ; accessTokenURL ; PIN )
TURL_SendAuthorizedRequest |
Sends a request (like posting a tweet), using the 2 credentials obtained during authorization.
TURL_SendAuthorizedRequest ( switches ; method ; requestURL; accessToken ;
accessTokenSecret ; theRequest )
TURL_SetAuthCredentials |
Sets the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for an OAuth authorization.
TURL_SetAuthCredentials ( switches ; consumerKey ; consumerSecret )
TURL_SetCookies |
Sets the cookies (on macOS) to be sent as part of a GET or POST request.
TURL_SetCookies ( switches ; cookiesText )
TURL_SetCustomHeader |
Sets a custom header to be used.
TURL_SetCustomHeader( switches ; customHeaderText )
TURL_SetPassword |
Sets the password to be used for password protected URLs.
TURL_SetPassword ( switches ; password )
TURL_SetProgressText |
Sets a custom text to be used for the progress dialog.
TURL_SetProgressText( switches ; messageText ; buttonText )
TURL_SetProxy |
Sets an explicit proxy server to be used, via which the data is sent to the web server.
TURL_SetProxy ( switches ; proxyAddress ; proxyPortNr ; proxyUserName;
proxyPassword )
TURL_SetUserAgent |
Sets a custom text to be used for the name of the user agent requesting the information. The user agent can be set to the name of a popular browser, so that unwanted redirects don’t occur.
TURL_SetUserAgent ( switches ; userAgentText )