TURL_SetUserName |
Sets the user name to be used for password protected URLs.
TURL_SetUserName ( switches ; username )
Online help for Troi Plug-ins for FileMaker Pro 16.
TURL_SetUserName |
Sets the user name to be used for password protected URLs.
TURL_SetUserName ( switches ; username )
Encodes a text in HTTP.
TURL_ToHTTP ( switches ; text )
TURL_ToURLEncoded |
URL encodes text (also known as percent-encoding).
TURL_ToURLEncoded ( switches ; text )
TURL_Version |
Use this function to see which version of the plug-in is loaded. This function is also used to register the plug-in.
TURL_Version ( switches )
TURL_VersionAutoUpdate |
Use this function to see which version of the plug-in is loaded, formatted for FileMaker Server’s AutoUpdate function. Returns 8 digit number to represent an AutoUpdate version.
Schedule Notification |
Schedules the display of a notification dialog on screen (and in the notification center).
Schedule Notification[ Select ; Result ; NotificationID ; Delay ; Title ;
Message body ; Action button ; File name ;
Script name ; Script parameter; Switches ]
Remove Notification |
Removes a (delivered) notification.
Remove Notification [ NotificationID ; Switches ]
Show List Dialog |
Displays a list dialog box, from which the user can choose an item.
Show List Dialog [ Select ; Result ; Title ; Prompt ; Button 1 ; Button 2;
Button 3 ; Button 4 ; List items ; Switches ; Icon ;
Custom icon ]
Dial_ScheduleNotification |
Schedules the display of a notification dialog on screen (and in the notification center).
Dial_ScheduleNotification( switches ; notificationID ; delay ; title ;
message ; buttonLabel ; fileName ; scriptName ;
scriptParameter )
Dial_RemoveNotification |
Removes a (delivered) notification.
Dial_RemoveNotification ( switches ; notificationID )