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Actr_GetEventInfo |
This function will return information that was previously associated with the event, like yourID and yourText.
Actr_GetEventInfo ( switches ; eventID )
switches | determines which information is to be returned |
eventID | (optional) the event to retrieve info from |
switches must contain only one of this:
-GetYourID | retrieves the yourID data |
-GetYourText | retrieves the yourText data |
-GetActivatorEventID | retrieves the internal EventID |
-GetAllEventsList | retrieves a tab separated list of all the events and the data of each event |
-GetAllEventIDs | retrieves a list of all the eventIDs separated by returns |
-GetImage | get the uploaded image (for the Upload Server functionality) |
-GetLocationData | get the (GPS) location (for the Upload Server functionality) |
-GetURL | get the URL of the HTTP request received by the HTTP server |
and also switches must contain one of this:
-LastTriggered | retrieves the information from the event that was triggered last |
-ByEventID | retrieves the information from the event with the eventID in the next parameter |
-FirstSilentEvent | retrieves the information from the first silent event |
optionally switches can also contain this:
-DeleteThisEvent | (optional) delete the event after the data is returned |
Returned Result
Data type returned
The requested information.
Originated in
Activator Plug-in 1.2
FileMaker Pro 17 to 2023
When the URL sent to the HTTP server contains a password parameter, the password will be removed from the result returned by
Actr_GetEventInfo ("-GetURL" ; $EeventID)
Set Field [ result ; Actr_GetEventInfo ( "-LastTriggered -GetYourID -DeleteThisEvent" ; ) ]
This command will return the YourID data for the last event triggered. The event data will be deleted.
Example 2
We assume that in your FileMaker file the following fields are defined:
gEventID Global, number
gEventText Global, text
gEventID contains the eventID. Add the following script step to your Trigger script:
Set Field [ gEventText ; Actr_GetEventInfo ( "-ByEventID -GetYourID" ; gEventID ) ]
This command will fill the field gEventText with the text that was supplied earlier, when the event was created.
Used in example files
Related functions
Actr_ScheduleEvent |
Actr_StartHTTPServer |
Related topics
Activator Plug-in online help (overview)