![]() |
Dial_IconControl |
Sets the custom icon, to be used in subsequent dialogs where the switch “-customIcon” is specified.
Dial_IconControl ( switches ; theIcon )
switches | this determines the behavior of the function |
theIcon | small JPG or PNG image to show at the left of the dialog |
Switches must be one of these:
-SetCustomIcon | sets the custom icon |
-ForgetCustomIcon | forgets and frees the memory for the custom icon |
-DefaultIconSize=48 | this will make it the default to show all icons at 48×48, without the need to set it for each dialog function call |
Returned Result
Data type returned
Error code
If successful it returns 0.
If unsuccessful it returns an error code starting with $$ and the error code. Returned error codes can be:
$$-50 | parameter error | |
$$-41 | not enough memory |
Other errors may be returned. (See the OSErrrs database for more information on error codes).
Originated in
Troi Dialog Plug-in 1.2
FileMaker Pro 16 to 19
You can specify an image of any size. However, as the dialogs show the icons at either 32×32 or 48×48 pixels, it is best to use one of these sizes.
You can use a custom icon with most of the dialog functions: Dialog, ListDialog, InputDialog, BigInputDialog and FlashDialog.
NOTE: Version 8.0 added icons for Dial_ProgressBar function.
If you set the custom icon again the old one is deleted. To reset the icon use the -ForgetCustomIcon switch.
macOS: supports PNG (including transparency) and JPEG.
On Windows: PNG (including transparency), JPEG and GIFs are supported.
We assume that in your FileMaker file the following fields are defined:
gCustomIcon Global, container
gErrorCode Global, text
gCustomIcon should contain an icon. Add the following script steps:
Set Field [ gErrorCode ; Dial_IconControl ( "-SetCustomIcon" ; gCustomIcon ) ]
If [ Left ( gErrorCode ; 2 ) = "$$" ]
Show Message [ An error occurred. ]
End If
This will set the custom icon to the contents of the container field “gCustomIcon”.
Used in example file
Related functions
Dial_BigInputDialog |
Dial_Dialog |
Dial_FlashDialog |
Dial_InputDialog |
Dial_ListDialog |
Dial_ProgressBar |
Related topics
Troi Dialog Plug-in online help (overview)