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Encr_Code |
Performs an encryption or decryption of the data field, depending on switches.
Encr_Code ( switches ; password ; data )
switches | specify what (de)coding action to perform |
password | the password to use |
data | the text (or container) to perform the action on |
Switches can be:
-EncryptDES | encrypt using the newDES algorithm (and the password) |
-DecryptDES | decrypt using the newDES algorithm (and the password) |
-EncryptAES | encrypt using the (more secure) AES algorithm (and the password) |
-DecryptAES | decrypt using the (more secure) AES algorithm (and the password) |
You can still use these two alternative names for the AES algorithm:
-EncryptRijndaelAES | encrypt using the (more secure) AES algorithm (and the password) |
-DecryptRijndaelAES | decrypt using the (more secure) AES algorithm (and the password) |
You can also use
-DecodeSafeAsciiDecryptDESDecompress | first decode from SafeAscii, then decryptDES and then decompress |
For AES encryption you can also add one or more of these switches to retrieve extra information:
-AddIntializationVectorInfo | add the used Intialization Vector at the end of the result (need not be kept secret) |
-AddSaltInfo | add the used Salt at the end of the result (need not be kept secret) |
-AddKeyInfo | add the derived Key (derived from the password) at the end of the result (keep secret!) |
-OpenSSLCompatible | format as OpenSSL compatible result |
-HashIterationCount=x | specify the hash iteration count used to generate the key and IV (for OpenSSL) |
Other switches are not (yet) possible.
Returned Result
Data type returned
the coded text. This can be encrypted text or decrypted text.
Originated in
Troi Encryptor Plug-in 1.5
FileMaker Pro 16 to FileMaker Pro 2023
– You can use this function to encrypt and decrypt without a script.
– For good security make sure the password is at least 10 characters long. Also be aware that the password is case sensitive.
– (Rijndael) AES is a more secure algorithm than unsecure NewDES.
See Encr_EncryptAES for more technical information on the AES implementation.
Version 7.0 added the -EncryptAES and -DecryptAES switches. These alternative switch names will encrypt and decrypt the data using the AES algorithm.
Version 2.5.2 added the switch “-DecodeSafeAsciiDecryptDESDecompress”. This will perform three actions in succession: first decode from SafeAscii, then decrypt the intermediate result (using decryptDES) and finally decompress it.
About OpenSSL compatibility (introduced with Troi Encryptor 5.0): see the Encr_EncryptAES and Encr_DecryptAES function for more information.
Set Field [ secretField ;
Encr_Code ( "-EncryptDES" ; gEncryptionPassword ; textField ) ]
Set Field [ result ;
Encr_Code ( "-DecryptDES" ; gDecryptionPassword ; secretField ) ]
gDecryptionPassword = a global text field where the user can type in the password that will be used to generate a key for the encryption or decryption.
Example 2
Set Field [ secretField ;
Encr_Code ( "-EncryptAES -AddSaltInfo" ;
gEncryptionPassword ; textField ) ]
this will result in:
Used in example file
Related functions
Encr_DecryptAES |
Encr_DecryptNewDES |
Encr_EncodeSafeAscii |
Encr_EncryptAES |
Encr_EncryptNewDES |
Related topics
Troi Encryptor Plug-in online help (overview)