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TrFile_GetAsPlainText |
Returns the text contents of a PDF file converted to plain text
TrFile_GetAsPlainText( switches ; filePath )
switches | not used, reserved for future use. Leave blank or put "-Unused" |
filePath | the path to the file, or container data |
Returned Result
Data type returned
The characters of the file specified.
If unsuccessful this function returns an error code starting with $$ and the error code. Returned error codes can be:
$$-50 | paramErr | parameter error |
$$-41 | memFulErr | not enough memory |
Other errors may be returned.
Originated in
Troi File Plug-in 13.0
FileMaker Pro 17 to FileMaker Pro 21 (2024)
The function currently only converts PDF files to text.
Note that the returned results might be slightly different on macOS compared to Windows: long lines might be wrapped differently.
Each page is separated by: “<———->”
Also note this is implemented for 64-bit FileMaker Pro only.
Starting with v13.1 you now get the plain text from a PDF in a container field (or a variable with container data of a PDF).
Set Field [ MyTextField ; TrFile_GetAsPlainText ( "-Unused" ; "HD Mac:Letter123.pdf" ) ]
returns the contents of the PDF file as plain text.
Example 2
Set Variable[$ContainerWithPDF; ContainerField ]
Set Variable[$PlainText; TrFile_GetAsPlainText("-Unused" ; $ContainerWithPDF) ]
If ContainerField contains a PDF with 2 pages, for example with the text “ABC” on the first page and “1234” on the second the result will be:
Used in example file
Related functions
TrFile_GetContents |
TrFile_SelectFileDialog |
Related topics
Troi File Plug-in online help (overview)