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Send Serial Data |
Sends data to the serial port with the specified name. The port needs to be opened first (see also Open Serial Port).
Send Serial Data [ Select ; Result (error) ; Port name ; Data to send ]
Select entire contents | replaces the entire contents of a field with the result. If not checked the result replaces the currently selected portion of the field |
Result (error) | an error code |
Port name | the name of the port to send data to |
Data to send | the text data that is to be sent to the serial port |
Returned Result
Data type returned
Error code
The returned result is an error code. An error always starts with 2 dollars, followed by the error code. You should always check for errors when sending, by testing if the first two characters are dollars. Returned error codes can be:
0 | no error | the data was sent |
$$-28 | notOpenErr | the port is not open |
$$-108 | memFullErr | ran out of memory |
$$-50 | paramErr | there was an error with the parameter |
$$-4210 | portDoesnotExistErr | a port with this name is not available on this computer |
$$-4211 | allPortsNullErr | no serial ports are available on this computer |
$$-207 | notEnoughSpace | the output buffer is full |
Other errors may be returned.
Originated in
Troi Serial Plug-in 5.0
FileMaker Pro 16 to FileMaker Pro 2023
Make sure you use a text field for the data. Other field types, like containers are currently not supported.
Please be aware that only the ASCII characters 0…255 will be transmitted, as a serial port wants 8 bit characters.
Send Serial Data [ Select ; $ErrorCode ;
"Modem port" ; "So long" ]
This will send the string ” So long” to the Modem port.
Send Serial Data [ Select ; $ErrorCode ;
gPortName ; textToSend ]
This will send the text in the field textToSend to the port in the field gPortName.
Example 2
Below you find a “Send Data” script for sending data from a global text field gTextToSend. The script tests for errors.
We assume that in your FileMaker file the following fields are defined:
gPortName Global, text, contains the name of the previously opened port
gTextToSend Global, text, can also be a normal text field
gErrorCode Global, text
Add the following script steps:
Send Serial Data [ Select ; gErrorCode ; gPortName ; gTextToSend ) ]
If [ Left ( gErrorCode ; 2 ) = "$$" ]
If [ gErrorCode = "$$-28" ]
Show Message [ Open the port first ]
If [ gErrorCode = "$$-207" ]
Show Message [ Buffer overflow error ]
Show Message [ An error occurred while sending! ]
End If
End If
Halt Script
End If
Related script steps
Open Serial Port |
Receive Serial Data |
Related functions
Serial_Open |
Serial_Receive |
Serial_Send |
Related topics
Troi Serial Plug-in online help (overview)