TrText_GetSpellingLanguages |
Returns a list of all supported spelling languages.
TrText_GetSpellingLanguages ( switches )
TrText_GetSpellingLanguages |
Returns a list of all supported spelling languages.
TrText_GetSpellingLanguages ( switches )
TrText_LearnSpelling |
Adds a word to the spell checker dictionary.
TrText_LearnSpelling ( switches ; wordToLearn )
TrText_NOTText |
Returns all lines in text1 that are NOT in text2.
TrText_NOTText ( switches ; text1 ; text2 )
TrText_SetSpellingIgnoreList |
Sets the list of words that should be ignored.
TrText_SetSpellingIgnoreList ( switches ; ignoreWordList )
TrText_SumTextResult |
Use this function to stop the sumText calculation and get the result.
TrText_SumTextResult ( unused )
Learn Spelling |
Adds a word to the spell checker dictionary.
Learn Spelling [ Select; Result (error) ; Words To Learn ]
Exchange Files |
Exchanges two files on disk
Exchange Files [ Select ; Result (error) ; FilePath 1 ; FilePath 2 ;
Allow different Volumes ]
Show Alert Dialog |
Displays an alert dialog with an optional informative text, from which the user can choose a button.
Show Alert Dialog [ Select ; Result ; Message text ; Informative text ;
Button list ; Title; Custom icon; Switches ]
Schedule Notification |
Schedules the display of a notification dialog on screen (and in the notification center).
Schedule Notification[ Select ; Result ; NotificationID ; Delay ; Title ;
Message body ; Action button ; File name ;
Script name ; Script parameter; Switches ]
Show List Dialog |
Displays a list dialog box, from which the user can choose an item.
Show List Dialog [ Select ; Result ; Title ; Prompt ; Button 1 ; Button 2;
Button 3 ; Button 4 ; List items ; Switches ; Icon ;
Custom icon ]