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upload server

Activator HTTP Server setup instructions

Troi Activator Plug-in 5.0 for FileMaker Pro 17
Troi Activator Plug-in has a built-in HTTP server, which will trigger a script when data arrives. The HTTP server can be started with the Actr_StartHTTPServer function or the Start HTTP Server script step. You stop the server with the Actr_StopHTTPServer function or the Stop HTTP Server script step.

There are several ways in which you can use this functionality:

  • use the plug-in as an (Image) Upload Server. This functionality is explained in the separate post Image Upload Server setup instructions.
  • trigger a script via a URL. This functionality is explained below.

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Image Upload Server setup instructions with Bonjour (outdated)

Outdated instructions

April 2019: NOTE this web page written in 2015 is outdated, as it shows testing the Upload Server with Bonjour. Please see the updated Upload Server instructions for Activator Plug-in 5.

With the functions of Troi Activator Plug-in 3.0 and later your FileMaker Pro database can become an (Image) Upload Server. The Activator Plug-in can receive the uploaded (JPEG) images with user text and even (GPS) location information.
You can test the upload locally with the Safari browser.
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